Art education is important throughout our lives. As children, it teaches us to take risks, experiment, express ourselves, and BE ourselves. As adults, it allows us to shut out the stress of daily life, express ourselves, connect us to a like-minded community, and preserve our creative thinking skills. As seniors, art education keeps us connected to others, helps us express ourselves, improves self-esteem, and helps improve/maintain motor skills and mental acuity.


Watch here for details of upcoming opportunities to learn new art skills. Come play with us! Watch our Events page for upcoming classes and workshops.


Artists are entrepreneurs! No matter what type of art you do, or how you put your art out to the public, you are in business. But, most creatives don’t know where to start or how to excel as a business.

FAAC is preparing to offer training specifically for creative entrepreneurs. Watch for more info on this coming soon! You can also watch our Events page and Facebook page for upcoming training events.